2013 Pew Research Center’s Martin Luther King Jr. Race Survey

Discover America’s opinions on the progress of racial equality in the Pew Research Center’s Martin Luther King Jr. Race Survey dataset.  Conducted by the Pew Center’s Social & Demographic Trends project, the survey asks how much progress the United States has made toward the goals of MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech, and how much further work is needed to achieve his dream.  Other questions include how various racial groups get along in society, how black people are treated, and what experiences respondents have had of personal discrimination faced due to racial or ethnic identity.

The data was collected from August 1st – 11th, 2013 of 2,231 national adults via landline and cellphone by Princeton Survey Research Associates International.  Explore the results and questions of the Martin Luther King Jr. Race survey in iPOLL, or analyze the data from the Martin Luther King Jr Race

Date Published: December 4, 2014