Become a Member

The Roper Center is the world’s largest public opinion data archive with survey data from more than 120 different countries and U.S. data from 1935 to today. Roper Center offers several different membership options, all of which support the work that we do.  We have nearly 300 members, from individuals to large commercial organizations and higher education institutions and we thank them all for their continued support. To accommodate individuals, small polling firms, researchers at academic institutions, corporations, non-profits, think tanks, media outlets and government agencies, we offer cost-effective variable pricing based on membership types.

Types of Membership

While the vast majority of our members prefer Full Access, we work with each organization to match their needs to the appropriate membership type. Please use the drop down information below to determine your preferred level of archive access and then be in touch.

Access to nearly 25,000 individual-level datasets from more than 120 different countries and nearly 1,000,000 questions, results, and charts from the U.S., U.K., Canada, Japan, France, and the U.S. States collection. Access to special collections, such as the USIA report collection. Discounted data conversions. U.S. data extend from 1935 to today.


Nearly 1,000,000 questions, results, and charts from the U.S., U.K., Canada, Japan, France and and the U.S. states. U.S. data extend from 1935 to today. Demographic cross-tabs are included. 

Individuals who rarely require more than one or two datasets over a long period of time may prefer to purchase such access on an “as needed” basis. Single datasets may be acquired or in the case of the National Election Pool’s Exit Polls, bundled packages are available.  Non-members who subscribe to iPOLL with a single user license may also purchase access to individual datasets at a per-study fee.

For those researchers who need extra support, the “researcher for hire” option is available. Custom research services are available for projects that do not require a fast turnaround. Research staff provide a cost quotation prior to engaging in the project. 

Support services to non-members or in excess of customary member
services will be billed at $150/hr and may include:

  • Custom searches
  • Data processing
  • Data conversion
  • Other services

FY2025 Subscription Pricing (July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)

Please contact Membership if you have any questions or wish to request a webinar, free trial, or membership agreement.

Full MembershipCost
Academic-Doctoral Research Extensive *$8,345 
Academic-Doctoral Research Intensive *$5,625  
Academic-Master's Degree$3,325  
Academic-Bachelor's Degree$2,500  
Academic-Associate's Degree$1,600  
Commercial, Non-Profit, Government and IndividualsContact Us
Standard MembershipCost
Academic-Doctoral Research Extensive *$6,625
Academic-Doctoral Research Intensive *$4,455
Academic-Master's Degree$2,625
Academic-Bachelor's Degree$1,960
Academic-Associate's Degree$1,290
Academic-High School$400
Public LibrarySee America's Voice Project
Commercial, Non-Profit, Government and IndividualsContact Us

* Institutions considered Doctoral Research Extensive grant more than 50 PhDs each year. Doctoral Research Intensive grant 50 or fewer PhDs in a single year.




Poll and Dataset DownloadsAcademicNon-Academic
Exit Polls - single state$585 $785 
Exit Polls - single national$1,570 $2,090 
Election Bundle - state and national polls for a select year$5,850 $7,830  
Other datasets$585  $785