New Orleans: Recovery Status 10 Years After Katrina

May 30, 2017
katrina flooding image

photo by AP Photo/U.S. Coast Guard, Petty Officer 2nd Class Kyle Niemi

In a 2015 survey of New Orleans residents (n=1,517) by the Kaiser Family Foundation and NPR, pollsters asked participants to share their opinions regarding the conditions in New Orleans and the ongoing rebuilding efforts a decade after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Some highlights include residents’ worries about job opportunities, their children’s education, race relations, and whether or not New Orleans has mostly recovered. This study offers rare and unique insight into the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, as few other studies have focused on this tragedy so long after its occurrence.

For more information on the repercussions of Hurricane Katrina in the New Orleans community, also see these datasets from 2006: ABC News Poll: Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Survey and Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll: Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.


Jessica Riggs is a data processor at the Roper Center.