From Russia with Love: Young Adult Opinions in 1967

July 19, 2017


While Vietnam was the top issue for the U.S. in polls throughout 1967's Summer of Love, still the Cold War showed no signs of thaw. A special Gallup Poll of College Students' Views on Russia fielded in June of 1967 provides a fascinating glimpse at how that country was seen by students at the time. Students were tested on their knowledge of Russian literature, geography, history, and politics. They were also asked their opinions on the potential for peace between the U.S. and Russia, their overall impressions of Russia, and their interest in the country. Available demographics include college major, political identification, and "the kind of business or industry your father (or head of household) works in and the kind of work he does." Explore the full study here and keep up with our blog for more coverage of public opinion during the Summer of Love.