Working-Class Whites: Views on Economy

September 12, 2017

In September 2016, the Kaiser Family Foundation and CNN released the Working-Class Whites poll of 1,614 national adults, with large oversamples of white, Latinos, and blacks without college degrees (a group defined in this survey as "working-class"). The survey highlighted economic issues facing working class Americans and the role of government in supporting working-class people ahead of the 2016 presidential election. Topics covered include life satisfaction, personal finances and employment situation, standard of living, pay rate, work schedule, employment benefits, paid sick leave and vacation, feelings about immigration, job security and the current job market. This poll found that across the political spectrum, working-class whites are more likely than white college grads to see immigrants as a burden to the country because they take jobs, housing, and healthcare. Chart showing white working class is more likely to see immigrants as a burden In addition, Southern working-class whites are more likely to report being negatively affected by undocumented immigrants taking jobs in their community (source: Kaiser Family Foundation). Chart showing southern working-class whites are more likely to report being affected by immigrants taking jobs

View the topline results in iPoll here. For more resources on work and labor, visit our Topics at a Glance: Work and Labor page, offering prepared iPoll and dataset searches, interpretive analysis, related datasets, and data charts.  

Anna Arzrumtsyan is a data processor at the Roper Center.