European USIA Report Collection

Austria1946-12-14R424Radio Listening in Vienna
Austria1956-05-11R112Report on Study of Information Sources in Austria
Austria1956-06-08R043Study of USIS Theater IM Josefssaal
Austria1957-02-15R281Hungary and the 1956 Uprising: Personal Interviews with 1,000 Hungarian Refugees in Austria
Austria1958-02-20R035Recipients Evaluate USIS Vienna Press Products- Rept #A-20, Series #3
Belgium1958-07-01R646Visitor Reaction to the US vs Major Competing Exhibits at the Brussels International Fair
Belgium1958-11-01R579Highlights of USIA Research on the Presidential Trade Fair Program
Belgium1959-02-01R581A Note on Reactions of Brussels Fair Visitors to Modern Art in the US Pavilion
BelgiumNo DateR584Follow-Up Study of Visitor Reaction to the US vs Major Competing Exhibits at the Brussels International Fair
Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia1974-12-30R348Yugoslav Workers in Western Countries
Czechoslovakia1968-01-01R191Czechoslovakia Media Habits Survey- January 1968
Czechoslovakia1968-01-01R193Czechoslovakia Media Habits Survey- 1967 Interviews, January 1968
Czechoslovakia1968-12-01R192Czechoslovakia Media Habits Survey- December 1968
Czechoslovakia1969-04-28R313Foreign Radio Listening in Czechoslovakia before and during the Invasion
Czechoslovakia1969-12-20R270Czechoslovakia Media Habits Survey- 1969
Czechoslovakia1970-01-01R269Czechoslovakia Media Habits Survey- 1970
Denmark1968-08-01R202Denmark Questionnaires
East Germany1951-03-09R420Attitudes behind the Iron Curtain: A Survey Approach to East German Thinking I- General Mood and Resistance Sentiments
East Germany1951-04-10R419Attitudes behind the Iron Curtain: A Survey Approach to East German Thinking II- Current Views on Unity, Neutrality, and Related Issues
East Germany1951-05-17R417Attitudes behind the Iron Curtain: A Survey Approach to East German Thinking III- A Preliminary Exploration of Attitudes among East Zone Male Youth
East Germany1951-07-25R414Attitudes behind the Iron Curtain: A Survey Approach to East German Thinking IV- Radio Listening in the East Zone
East Germany1951-09-29R410Attitudes of East German Youth: A Series of Reports Based upon Studies Conducted during the Berlin Youth Festival IV- Radio Evaluations and Recommendations of East Zone Youth
East Germany1951-09-29R413Attitudes of East German Youth: A Series of Reports Based upon Studies Conducted during the Berlin Youth Festival I- Evaluations of the Festival and Impressions of West Berlin
East Germany1951-10-31R411Attitudes of East German Youth: A Series of Reports Based upon Studies Conducted during the Berlin Youth Festival III- Reactions to Eastern Views vs Western Propaganda
East Germany1957-03-06R082East Zone Opinion of RIAS Programming- Rept #A-9, Series #3
East Germany1957-03-20R081Further Information on East German Political Opinions- Rept #C-7, Series #3
East Germany1957-11-04R068Extent of Western Influence on the East German Population- Rept #C-11, Series #3
East Germany1957-12-19R064Apendix to Rept A-18: Radio Listening in the GDR
East Germany1957-12-27R065East Zone Political Opinion (in Relation to USIS Exposure) Rept #C-12, Series #3
East Germany1957-12-27R066Appendix to Rept C-12: East Zone Political Opinion (in Relation to USIS Exposure)
East Germany1958-10-22R024East Zone Germans Assess Their Current Situation- Rept #C-22, Series #3
East Germany1959-01-01R015East Zone Opinions towards Current Issues (A Study among West Zone Visitors to the Berlin Industrial Fair, 1959)
East Germany1960-03-01R013East Zone Radio Listening and TV Viewing Habits
East Germany1961-03-01R012East Zone Radio Listening and TV Viewing Habits
East Germany1961-10-01R565An Analysis of Rias Programs and Their Impact on Recent Escapees from East Germany
East Germany1962-11-17R022Station Popularity and Reception Conditions within East Germany- Report #A-22, Series #3
Finland1956-03-08R620A Note on the Voice of America Audience in Finland
Finland1956-10-31R689Some Indications of the Present Standing of the US vs the USSR in Finnish Public Opinion
Finland, Iceland1958-03-01R641Finnish and Icelandic Attitudes Related to the People's Capitalism Campaign
France1951-05-01R007Some Contributions of a French Study to the Comparative Analysis of Communications
France1955-08-03R045Survey: "Fair of Paris,1956- United States Pavilion Survey Study" Highlights and Interpretations
France1956-03-28R101Highlights of SAAR Survey
France1956-04-07R273French Workers, Their Problems, Their Morale, Their Hopes
France1956-06-27R046Fair of Paris 1956 United States Pavilion Survey Study
France1956-07-27R623Visitor Reaction to the US Exhibit at the Paris Trade Fair, 1956
France1956-10-01R059On Understanding the French Left
France1956-10-01R283France and Foreign Affairs
France1956-10-30R062A Study of Advertising in the French Communist Daily Press
France1956-11-10R057Culture and Politics Studies 1: Interest and Information about America and Contacts with Americans
France1956-11-20R058Culture and Politics Studies 2: Exposure to American Media of Culture and Ratings of America's Culture Level
France1956-11-30R056Culture and Politics Studies 3: The Reactions of Educated French Respondents to the American Political and Economic Systems
France1956-12-01R054Culture and Politics Studies 4: The Reactions of Educated French Residents to American Foreign Policies
France1956-12-11 French Public Opinion on Significant International Issues
France1956-12-27R051Public Opinion in France: French atittudes toward the US and USSR as an Aftermath of the Suez and Hungarian Crises
France1957-01-15R097Public Opinion in France: French Judgments on Suez and Hungary
France1957-01-17R096Public Opinion in France: European Integration As a Counterweight against American Influence
France1957-05-01R123Public Opinion in France: Relative Prestige of the US and USSR Six Months After Suez and Hungary
France1957-05-01R121Public Opinion in France: Reactions of the French People to Atomic Energy and Nuclear Weapons
France1957-05-01R122Public Opinion in France: European Union, Euratom, and the Common Market
France1957-05-01R152Public Opinion in France: America and the Middle East
France1957-10-01R151Public Opinion in France: NATO and the Defense of the West
France1957-10-23R155Public Opinion in France: Parisian Reaction to Events at Little Rock and General Assessment of Negro-White Relations
France1957-11-01R119Public Opinion in France: America and the Middle East
France1957-11-15R158French Program Studies: The Patrons of Four American Libraries
France1957-12-20R144Public Opinion in France: Popularity of the US and the USSR on the Eve of the NATO Conference
France1957-12-24R145Public Opinion in France: NATO and Western Security
France1957-12-27R146Public Opinion in France: Sputnik and the Balance of Power
France1958-01-07R164Public Opinion in France: The Tunisian Arms Issue
France1958-02-18R170Public Opinion in France: The Sharp Decline of American Popularity and Support of NATO in the Once-Favorable Stasbourg Region
France1958-04-17R459Public Opinion in France: Economic Woes Far Outweigh North African Problems as Chief Preoccupation of Average Frenchman
France1958-12-15R462French Attitudes on Franco-American Relationships: A Survey in the Tours Area
France1963-04-18R698Attitudes and Aspirations of African Students in France
FranceNo DateR120Public Opinion in France: The Image of America and the American People and Interest in Aspects of American Culture
France  1953-09-11R272French Attitudes toward the United States
France  1955-10-01R274Workers Survey: Franee, October 1955
France  1956-11-01R055French Motivations in the Suez Crisis
France  1958-01-03R163Public Opinion in France: The Negro in America
France, Netherlands1952-03-03R011A Current Sounding of French and Dutch Opinion on The Korean Truce Negotiations
France, UK, West Germany, Italy1955-03-28R655State of Opinion on Projected NATO Atomic Defense Plans and on the Banning of Nuclear Weapons
Germany1950-07-01R002Competitive Broadcasting to Germany
Germany1957-09-23R072Appendix to Rept A-15: A Study of "Ost-Probleme" Subscribers
Germany1957-09-23R071A Study of "Ost-Probleme" Subscribers- Rept A-15, Series #3
GermanyNo DateR008Media of Communication and the Free World as Seen by Polish Refugees
Germany, Austria1957-06-12R077The Amerika-Haus Bookmobile Program Pt III: Appendix
Germany, Austria1957-06-12R078The Amerika-Haus Bookmobile Program Part II: Pattern of Bookmobile Use- Rept #A-12, Series #3
Germany, Austria1957-06-12R079The Amerika-Haus Bookmobile Program Part I: Who Are the Bookmobile Users?- Rept #A-11, Series #3
Great Britain, West Germany, France, Italy1961-10-01R477The Image of US vs Soviet Science in West European Public Opinion
Greece1951-01-01R006Greek Attitudes towards United States, USSR, Great Britain, France
Greece1951-04-01R004The Radio Audience in Greece
Greece1951-05-01R003Information Monopolists in Rural Greece
Greece1956-07-30R041Report on the 1956 Salonica International Trade Fair Leadership Study
Greece1956-12-30R628Opinion Leaders' Evaluations of the US Exhibit at the Salonika Trade Fair
Greece1957-08-01R2801957 Public Opinion Survey in Greece: Summary Report
Greece1957-08-01R2781957 Public Opinion Survey GR-1: Final Report (Greece)
Greece1957-09-01R277BFollow-Up Report GR-1: Weighted Totals (Greece)
Greece1957-10-02R613The Present Standing of the US vs the USSR in Greek Public Opinion- Rept #1
Greece1957-12-13R614Greek Attitudes toward NATO and toward US Troops in Europe- Rept #2
Greece1971-02-24R322VOA's Greek-Language Transistor Radio Contest,1970
Greece1976-09-09R370VOA Audience Estimate for Greece, 1976
GreeceNo DateR005Greek Attitudes towards United States, USSR, Great Britain, France
Hungary1956-12-28R710Hungarian Refugees' Interpretations of Western Radio Broadcasts and Reactions to United States Non-Intervention
Hungary1975-12-22R362Hungarian Audiences for Western Radio Broadcasters, 1974
Hungary1978-08-16R382Audiences of Western Radio Stations, Including VOA: Their Preferred Hours of Broadcast, Program, Content, and Image in Urban Hungary, 1977
Iceland1955-12-14R671Icelandic Reactions to General Political Issues Relating to Attitudes toward America and General Commitment to the West- Rept #20
Iceland1956-02-23R679Icelanders' Economic Problems and Opinions about Economic Issues- Rept #29
Iceland1956-02-24R680Icelanders' Views on the Cultural Levels of the United States and Soviet Russia
Iceland1956-08-15R622Icelanders' Use and Evaluation of Major Information Media
Iceland1956-11-30R690Current Trends in Icelandic Opinion about the US, the USSR, and the Presence of US Troops in Iceland- Rept #40
Iceland1956-12-31R626Trends in Icelandic Opinion of American Culture and Evaluations of the Other Areas of American Life
Italy1956-04-01R107The US Exhibit and Other National Exhibits at the 34th Milano Fair
Italy1956-05-01R110Missionari del Atomo: A Study of Audience Reactions to a Short Feature Film
Italy1956-05-01R111Binari D'Europa: A Study of Audience Reactions to a Short Feature Film
Italy1956-06-01R044The Radio Audience in Italy: An Analysis of Two Public Opinion Studies on Radio Listening
Italy1956-07-01R042Reaching the Italian Audience - Volume I
Italy1956-08-01R040Reaching the Italian Audience- Volume II
Italy1957-06-01R138Public Opinion in Italy No I: Attitudes toward Socialist Reunification
Italy1957-08-01R134Public Opinion in Italy No 3: Attitudes toward the European Common Market and Euratom
Italy1957-09-01R149Public Opinion in Italy No 4: What Italians Want to Know about American Life
Italy1957-10-01R153Public Opinion in Italy No 5: Some Pre-Election Soundings
Italy1958-01-01R161Public Opinion in Italy No 6: After the Sputniks
Italy1958-01-01R162A Survey of Mondo Occidentale Readers
Italy1958-02-01R171Italian Program Studies No 1: USIS Films
Italy1958-07-01R448AOpinion Study (US Recession Questions)
Italy1958-08-01R445Italian Program Studies No 3: The "Space Unlimited, Exhibit at the Trieste Fair"
Italy1970-07-20R318Library Effectiveness in Italy
Norway1960-07-01R469Post-Summit Trends in Norwegian Opinion of the US and the USSR
Norway, Denmark1956-02-01R676Attitudes toward the US vs the USSR in Norway and Denmark
Norway, Denmark1956-02-07R677The Vitality of NATO in Norway and Denmark
Norway, Denmark1956-02-20R619A Note on the Voice of America Audience in Norway and Denmark
Norway, Denmark1956-03-07R681A Note on Norwegian and Danish Views on Atomic Energy for Peace
Poland1960-09-13R394Polish Audience Reactions to Western Broadcasting
Poland1960-10-18R593Reaction to the US Exhibit at the International Philatelic Exhibit in Warsaw
Poland1968-11-15R303Evaluation of the US Pavillion and the Management Seminar at the Poznan International Industrial Fair
Romania1978-03-28R372Evaluation of Sinteza (Local Version of Horizons USA) in Romania
Romania1978-08-15R381Romanian Audiences and Their Reactions to ICA Center Programs: Implications for Program Development
Spain1958-03-01R517Public Opinion in Spain: A Survey of Madrid and Cadiz II: Attitudes toward American Troops and Bases
Spain1958-03-01R516Public Opinion in Spain: A Survey of Madrid and Cadiz I: Comparative Standing of the US vs the USSR- Rept #54
Spain1958-04-01R644Public Opinion in Spain: A Survey of Madrid and Cadiz V- A Note on Attitude toward US Culture and US Capitalism
Spain1958-04-01R643Public Opinion in Spain: A Survey of Madrid and Cadiz IV- A Note on Attitudes toward US Aid
Spain1958-04-01R642Public Opinion in Spain: A Survey of Madrid and Cadiz III: Attitudes toward US Information Efforts
Turkey1956-01-01R039Survey of Visitors' Reaction to the United States Exhibit at the Izmir Fair
Turkey1957-04-08R629The Impact of the US Trade Fair Program at the Izmir International Fair
Turkey1957-05-17R632Turkish Trade Fair Audience Reaction to Questions on American Aid and Related Matters
Turkey1958-10-01R616Attitudes of Turkish Students toward the US Military and Indications of the Present and Future Standing of the US
Turkey1958-11-01R649The Image of America among Turkish Students
Turkey1964-04-01R180World Survey II: Ankara/Turkey
Turkey1964-10-12R545Listening to Selected Radio Stations among Literate Adults in Ankara, Turkey (April, 1964)
Turkey1965-01-01R184Omnibus Study in Turkey- Istanbul
Turkey1965-01-01R183Omnibus Study in Turkey- Ankara
UK1955-03-28R656British Opinion on Far Eastern Issues (Public Opinion Trends on Cold War Issues Based upon Regular Scientific Surveys in the Major Countries of Western Europe)- Rept #4
UK1956-10-01R282Neutralism Survey B-1
UK1957-03-01R083Great Britain: The Psychological Impact of the Suez Affair by Lloyd A Free
UK1957-03-06R085Viewers' Reactions to Report from America: Leisure Time
UK1957-04-01R127"Report from America" Audience Size and Reaction to the First Thirteen Programs in Britain
UK1957-04-01R118Readers' Evaluation of "USA in Review"
UK1957-05-01R117Impact of the London "Open Skies for Peace" Exhibit: The Findings of Two Surveys Carried out between December 1956 and February 1957
UK1957-11-25R159Visitors' Reactions to the Kalamazoo Exhibit, Manchester, England
UK1959-03-01R285Image of America
UK1959-10-01R521The Impact of President Eisenhower's Visit on British Public Opinion
UK1959-10-01R585Some Aspects of the US Image in Great Britain and the Influence of the Mass Media
UK1960-08-01R589Impact of BBC's "Panorama" Telecast on British Viewers' Opinions of US Space Developments
UK1960-08-01R470British Views on US vs USSR Standing on Specific Aspects of Space Achievement
UK1960-08-01R471A Note on British Reactions to the Idea of a Reconnaissance Satellite
UK1960-09-26R590Exposure to and Impact of Panorama Space Telecast by Socioeconomic Classes
UK1960-11-01R472Trends in US vs Soviet Space Standing in Great Britain
UK1960-12-01R594Impact of Edward Murrow's Polaris Telecast on British Viewer's Opinions of the US
UK1960-12-21R391Readers' Evaluation of American Music
UK1962-08-01R481The Impact of Telstar upon the British Public
UK1962-09-01R489A Note on Recent Trends in US Space Standing
UK1964-05-27R703Attitudes and Aspirations of African Students in Britain
UK1972-08-25R3251972 VOA Audience Estimate for Great Britain
UK,  West Germany, France, Italy1961-08-01R476West European Attitudes toward Disarmament
UK, France1960-06-01R527Post-Summit Trends in British an French Opinion of the US and the USSR
UK, France, Italy1961-08-01R474Some Indications of West European Morale in the Berlin Crisis
UK, France, West Germany, Italy1955-05-25R706Some Psychological Factors Relating to the Projected Big Four Meeting
UK, France, West Germany, Italy1961-07-01R473The Impact of the Kennedy-Krushchev and Kennedy-De Gaulle Conferences on West European Public Opinion
UK, West Germany, France 1962-08-01R482West European Opinion on Nuclear Inspection and US Resumption of Nuclear Tests
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1955-03-18R653Comparative Trends in Attitudes toward America and Russia (Public Opinion Trends on Cold-War Issues Based upon Regular Scientific Surveys in the Major Countries of Western Europe)- Report #1
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1955-03-21R654A Note on Trends in Awareness of America's Atoms for Peace Proposal
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1955-03-31R657Current Status of European Integration Sentiments with a Note on Franco-German Relations
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1955-06-14R658Public Opinion in Helsinki on Atoms for Peace and the Banning of Atomic Weapons (Public Opinion Trends on Cold War Issues Based upon Regular Sampling Surveys in the Major Countries of Western Europe)- Rept #7
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1955-07-13R662Pre-Conference State of Opinion on Some Atomic Issues (Public Opinion Trends on Significant Political Issues Based upon Regular Sampling Surveys in the Major Countries of Western Europe)
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1956-01-04R672Anti-Soviet Feeling in the Wake of the Foreign Ministers' Conference
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1956-07-18R687West European Attitudes on Current Colonial Problems
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1957-07-25R511Current Trends on West Eurpoean Defense Issues and the Role of Atomic Weapons- Rept #49
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1957-08-12R512Attitudes toward European Union, the Common Market, and Euratom- Rept #50
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1957-09-23R513West European Awareness and Support of the Eisenhower Doctrine
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1958-01-10R639West European Interest in Various Areas of American Life
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1959-02-01R518West European Attitude Trends and Defense Morale in the Wake of the Lebanese and Quemoy Crisis
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1959-02-01R519Current Trends in US vs Soviet Standing in Western Europe
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1959-03-01R520Trends in Confidence in NATO and Current Sentiment on the Presence and Conduct of US Troops
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1959-10-01R586The Image of America in Western Europe: Preliminary Draft
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1959-12-01R522Some Survey Indications of US vs Soviet Military Standing in the Space Era
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1959-12-01R523Brief Summary of Some Survey Indications Bearing upon US vs Soviet Scientific Prestige
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1960-04-01R526West European Climate of Opinion on the Eve of the Paris Summit Conference II: US or USSR- The Wave of the Future?
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1960-04-01R525West European Climate of Opinion on the Eve of the Paris Summit Conference
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1960-09-01R592The Image of American Youth and American Women in Western Europe
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1961-06-01R554Listening to British and American Radio in Western Europe- Media Brief #10
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1961-08-01R475The Current State of Confidence in the US among the West European Public
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1961-12-01R478West European Attitudes toward Economic Aid and the Peace Corps
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1962-01-01R479Trends in the US and Soviet Economic Images in Western Europe
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1962-08-02R483West European Awareness of and Reactions to the Peace Corps 
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1962-08-06R484The Image of US Nuclear Strength in Western Europe
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1962-08-07R485Current Military Strength of the Communist vs the Anti-Communist Powers
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1962-08-08R486Current US vs Soviet Space Standing in Western Europe
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1962-08-10R487Trend in West European Opinion on the Tactical Use of Nuclear Weapons
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1962-11-01R573The Impact of American Commercial Television in Western Europe
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1962-12-01R576West European Impressions of America from Five Cultural Products
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1962-12-01R574The Impact of American Commercial Movies in Western Europe
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1962-12-01R490Attitudes toward the European Common Market in Britain and in Three Member Nations
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1963-07-01R496West European Public Opinion on Disarmament
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1963-07-01R495West European Opinion on the Outcome of the Cuban Crisis
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1963-07-01R492Trends in Western European Estimates of US and Soviet Strength
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1963-07-01R497The Sino-Soviet Conflict through Western European Eyes
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1963-07-01R491Public Opinion Trends in Western Europe in the Wake of the Cuban Crisis
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1963-07-01R493Public Opinion about NATO and Nuclear Issues in Western Europe
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1963-07-01R494Attitudes toward the Common Market in Western Europe
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1964-06-01R498European Opinions of Race Relations in America
UK, West Germany, France, Italy1964-08-14R488Trend in West European Confidence in the US
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Austria1955-07-11R659Trends in Attitudes toward the US and the USSR on Eve of Summit Conference (Public Opinion Trends on Significant Political Issues Based upon Regular Sampling Surveys in the Major Countries of Western Europe)
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Austria1955-07-11R660General Conference Expectations and Confidence in Conference Participants (Public Opinion Trends on Significant Political Issues Based upon Regular Sampling Surveys in the Major Countries of Western Europe)
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Austria1955-07-12R661Desires and Expectations on Specific Conference Issues (Public Opinion Trends on Significant Political Issues Based upon Regular Sampling Surveys in the Major Countries of Western Europe)
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Austria1955-09-16R665Post-Summit Views on NATO and European Security (Public Opinion Trends on Significant Political Issues Based upon Regular Sampling Surveys n the Major Countries of Western Europe)
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Austria 1955-08-03R707Opinion Reactions in Western Europe to the Four-Power Conference
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Belgium1955-09-16R663Trends in Attitudes toward the US and the USSR in the Wake of the Summit Conference (Public Opinion Trends on Signifcant Political Issues Based upon Regular Sampling Surveys in the Major Countries of Western Europe)
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Belgium1955-09-19R664Reactions to the Eisenhower Inspection Proposal and to the Necessity of Inspection for Disarmament (Public Opinion Trends on Significant Political Issues Based upon Regular Sampling Surveys in the Major Countries of Western Europe)
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Belgium1955-09-28R667Current West European Sentiments on Far East Issues
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Belgium1955-09-28R666Current Awareness and Evaluations of Atomic Energy for Peace (Public Opinion Trends on Significant Political Issues Based upon Regular Sampling Surveys in the Major Countries of Western Europe)
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Belgium1955-09-29R668The Space Satellite Announcement: A Note on Awareness and Reactions
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Belgium1955-09-30R669Are the Western Powers Doing What They Should toward Freeing the European Satellites?- A Note on Post-Summit Opinion
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium 1957-04-30R631A Note on West European Feelings about the Influence of Some Major US Media and Their Countries
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Austria1957-01-07R505The Current State of American Prestige in Western Europe
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Austria1957-01-28R507Reactions in Western Europe to the Suez Crisis
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Austria1957-03-26R509A Note on West European Attitudes toward Banning Atomic Tests and the Production of Atomic Weapons
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Austria1957-04-26R508Post-Crisis Views on Western Unity and Defense Needs
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands1956-06-21R683Current Trends in Attitudes toward the US and USSR
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands1956-06-22R684A Note in Public Reactions to US Atomic Weapons Tests
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands1956-06-25R686US and Soviet Aid and Trade Policies 
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands1956-06-25R685General Endorsement of European Integration and Concrete Support in the Euratom Framework
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands1956-07-24R688Opinion about US Treatment of Negroes with Comparisons to Other Areas of American Life
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands1956-12-31R625West European Attitudes Related to the People's Capitalism Campaign
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Norway1957-12-01R514The Impact of Sputnik on the Standing of US vs the USSR
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Norway1958-02-01R515Post-Sputnik Trends toward NATO and Western Defense- Rept #53
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Norway, Denmark1956-01-13R673The Present Vitality of NATO: Background Attitudes
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Norway, Denmark1956-01-19R674The Present Vitality of NATO: Specific Attitudes and Evaluations
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Norway, Denmark1956-01-20R675Attitudes toward the Arab-Israel Dispute and the Policies of the US, Britain, and Soviet Russia
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Norway, Denmark1956-03-13R682West European Attitudes toward Colonialism
UK, West Germany, Italy1957-09-11R635West European Reactions to American Jazz
UK, West Germany, Italy, France, Norway, Denmark1956-02-08R678Does the US Have an Iron Curtain?- A Note on West European Judgments
UK,West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Austria1957-01-08R506The Current State of Soviet Prestige in Western Europe with Some Evaluations of Western Policy on Hungary
Unknown1963-09-23R504Attitudes of Forty-Two East European Refugees on International Problems
USANo DateR499The Current State of Confidence in the US among East German Refugees
West Germany1950-06-14R425Reactions of a Munich Movie Audience to an Animated Film Based on the "Races of Mankind": Special Report
West Germany1950-11-30R423German Youth View the American Program VII: Acceptance of Democratic Responsbility and Related Political Issues
West Germany1951-01-25R422Public Appraisal of Effectiveness of Communist Activity in West Germany
West Germany1951-03-06R421West German Reactions to the Landsberg Decisions
West Germany1951-04-24R418Continuing Trends in Awareness and Patronage of the Amerika Hauser in the US Zone
West Germany1951-06-21R416The East-West Trade Issue as Viewed by the West German People
West Germany1951-06-29R415West Germans View the Socialist Reichs Party with a Preliminary Analysis of SRP Attitudes
West Germany1951-10-30R412A Balance Sheet on Western Information Efforts: Extent of German Accord with Western Viewpoints on Some Major East-West Issues
West Germany1951-12-05R408German Opinions on Jewish Restitution and Some Associated Issues
West Germany1952-01-29R407German Evaluations of NATO with Other Opinions on European Defense Issues
West Germany1952-01-31R406Progress toward Political Equality and Economic Well-Being: The German View
West Germany1952-02-29R405The Current State of West Berlin Morale
West Germany1952-04-30R404Contractual Agreement vs Russian Unity Proposal: A Preliminary Report on West German Views
West Germany1952-05-16R403Hard Core Refugees Evaluate Their Situation: A Study of Camp Inmates in Western Germany
West Germany1952-05-30R402How Do Germans React to East/West Trade Restrictions
West Germany1952-06-03R401Initial West German Reactions to the Soviet War of Nerves
West Germany1952-06-11R400First Reactions of West Berliners to the Current Soviet Pressure Campaign- Rept #142
West Germany1952-06-30R239Some Basic Guides to Predicting the Future Behavior of West Germany
West Germany1952-07-30R399The Basic Economic Orientations of the West German People I: General Views on Socialism, Capitalism, and Communism
West Germany1955-03-31R657Trends on West German Rearmament with Recent Soundings on West German Views about Compulsory Military Service- Rept #5
West Germany1955-10-10R670Trends in West German Attitudes on the Use of Atomic Weapons in Western Defense
West Germany1956-08-22R070West German Confidence in NATO- Rept #C-2, Series #3
West Germany1957-03-28R080A Study of the Effects of Time on Visitors' Reactions to the "Space Unlimited" Exhibit- Rept #A-10, Series #3
West Germany1957-05-17R510Some Current West German Public Opinion Trends on Atomic Issues with a Note on Present Political Party Standings- Rept #47
West Germany1957-06-27R076Use of Amerika Dienst Material by West German Editors- Rept #C-8, Series #3
West Germany1957-08-26R074Current Awareness of and Opinions Concerning the Mutual Aerial Inspection Plan- Rept #A-14, Series #3
West Germany1957-08-26R075Appendix to Rept A-14: Current Awareness and Opinions Concerning the Mutual Aerial Inspection Plan
West Germany1957-09-11R073The Degree of Interest in Features of American Life Expressed by Possible Target Groups- Rept #C-9, Series #3
West Germany1957-10-22R069A Study of the Nature and Operation of USIS's Film Committees- Rept #A-16, Series #3
West Germany1957-11-13R067Visitors' Reactions to "America Builds": The US Exhibit at the1957 Berlin Industrial Fair- Rept #A-17, Series #3
West Germany1957-11-28R409West German Thinking on a Federation of Europe
West Germany1958-01-22R063Sputnik's Influence on West German Confidence in the US- Rept #C-13, Series #3
West Germany1958-01-28R036The Net Effect of Having British/American Libraries in Dusseldorf and Oldenburg- Rept #A-19, Series #3
West Germany1958-02-27R034First Reactions to the "Explorer"- Rept #C-14, Series #3
West Germany1958-04-07R031Factors in West Berlin Morale Part I: Economic Factors- Rept #C-15, Series #3
West Germany1958-04-07R033Appendix to Rept C-15: Factors in West Berlin Morale Part I- Economic Factors
West Germany1958-04-21R030Factors in West Berlin Morale Part II: Political Factors- Rept #C-16, Series #3
West Germany1958-04-21R032Appendix to Rept C-16: Factors in West Berlin Morale Part II- Political Factors
West Germany1958-05-01R029A Short Appraisal of NATO- Rept #C-17, Series #3
West Germany1958-05-08R028German Reunification and Summit Conference- Rept #C-18, Series #3
West Germany1958-06-03R027A-Bomb Test Suspension and Summit Conference- Rept #C-19, Series #3
West Germany1958-06-06R026Atomic Weapons for the Bundeswehr- Rept #C-20, Series #3
West Germany1958-08-01R025The Influence of the Nagy-Maletes Executions on West German Expectations Concerning a Summit Conference- Rept #C-21, Series #3
West Germany1958-10-27R014"Medicine in the USA": The US Exhibit at the Berlin Industrial Fair, 1959
West Germany1958-11-10R023"Kalamazoo Comes to Berlin": The 1958 Berlin Industrial Fair Exhibit- Rept #A-21, Series #3
West Germany1958-12-15R021Assessment of NATO and American Forces in West Germany (before the Berlin Crisis)- Rept #C-23, Series #3
West Germany1959-02-10R020West Germany Views the Berlin Crisis- Rept #C-24, Series #3
West Germany1959-04-02R018The Role of "Culture" in West German Assessment of US Foreign Policies- Rept A-23, Series #3
West Germany1959-04-22R019Appendix to Rept A-23: The Role of "Culture" in West German Assessment of US Foreign Policies
West Germany1959-07-06R017West German and Berlin Confidence in NATO- Rept #C-25, Series #3
West Germany1959-09-03R016 Post Geneva Opinions on Eisenhower/Khrushchev Visits and Related Issues (Survey Results from Western Germany and West Berlin) 
West Germany1960-07-01R528Post-Summit Trends in West German Opinion of the US and the USSR with Comparisons to British and French Reactions
West Germany1961-04-01R598The Impact of the USIS Exhibit "Youth USA" at the 1960 Berlin Industrial Fair
West Germany1961-06-01R552Trends in West German Ratings of Various Aspects of American Life
West Germany1962-07-01R500Post-Wall Significance of RIAS and Other Radio Stations Reported by East German Escapees
West Germany1962-08-08R502Listening to Western Broadcasts in Poland, 1960
West Germany1962-12-01R501The Morale of the East Europeans Professional (Some Refugee Views)
West Germany1962-12-01R503Reported Reasons for Flight of Post-Wall Escapees from East Germany
West Germany1963-08-01R700Attitudes and Aspirations of African Students in West Germany
West Germany, France, Japan1956-05-28R709US Troop Withdrawal Sentiments in West Germany, France, and Japan
Yugoslavia1958-12-01R580Visitor Reaction to the US vs Major Competing Exhibits at the 1958 Zagreb Trade Fair