Laylo Research Strategies Recently Developed Methods Projects

Laylo Research Strategies (LRS) is a full-service polling and strategic research firm specializing in political, governance, social, market, and corporate research. The company offers public institutions, non-government organizations, and private corporations high-quality alternatives to in-house resources for opinion, market, and corporate research as well as strategic management consulting. LRS provides high-level expertise using research as a means to deliver strategic advisory service in these major areas: (1) political campaigns, (2) communication campaigns, (3) governance campaigns, (4) marketing campaigns, (5) corporate endeavors, and (6) social campaigns.

More information can be found at the Laylo Report website.

The collections on this page includes online nonprobability polls, mixed probability and non-probability methods polls, IVR polls, RBS sample polls, and other surveys utilizing recently developed survey-based public opinion research methods. Transparency Scorecards, when present, are available on the downloads page of the individual study. A sample scorecard is below.

Laylo Research Strategies: April 2020 Coronavirus Facebook Poll of the Philippines

Sample Transparency Scorecards

Sample Transparency Scorecard