Middle Tennessee State University Poll

Middle Tennessee State University’s MTSU Poll provides independent, non-partisan, unbiased, scientifically valid public opinion data regarding major social, political, and ethical issues affecting Tennessee. Conducted each fall and spring semester since 1998, the poll began as a measure of public opinion in the 39 counties comprising Middle Tennessee and started measuring public opinion statewide in 2001.

A commercial polling firm gathers the data. MTSU Poll principals Dr. Ken Blake and Dr. Jason Reineke, faculty members in the MTSU School of Journalism and Strategic Media, develop each poll’s questionnaire and interpret and disseminate its results in coordination with students who are pursuing coursework or producing student media in MTSU’s College of Media and Entertainment.

Find more information about Middle Tennessee State University Poll on their website.

Middle Tennessee State University Poll

Additional data from previously conducted polls will be added in the coming months.

Dataset Collection

See all MTSU data here