Multi-Region USIA Report Collection

Austria, Finland, Italy, Spain, UK, West Germany, Greece, India, Lebanon, Pakistan, Turkey Multi-Region1961-05-01R551Mail Survey of Listeners to Forum on the Voice of America- Media Brief #9
Brazil, IndiaMulti-Region1964-09-01R543Impact of the Film "The President" on Viewers in Two Cities: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil and Agra, India
Colombia, Philippines, LebanonMulti-Region1976-05-28R368Audience Reactions to IMV Films
Colombia, Philippines, LebanonMulti-Region1976-05-28R369Audience Reactions to IMV Films: Supplementary Tables
Germany, Japan, India  Multi-Region1978-08-14R380Readership and Audience Reactions to Problems of Communism and a Review of Its Content
Germany, Japan, India, ColombiaMulti-Region1978-08-11R379Readership and Audience Reactions to Economic Impact and a Review of its Content
Germany, Philippines, El SalvadorMulti-Region1970-05-08R317Placement and Readership of USIS Press Materials
India, Philippines, Brazil, Mexico, KenyaMulti-Region1968-12-30R308Audience Reaction to the Film: "A Few Notes on Our Food Problem"
Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, KuwaitMulti-Region1974-11-25R343Evaluation of Al-Majal Magazine
Libya, Sudan, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, TunisiaMulti-Region1962-05-01R572Mail Survey of Listeners to VOA Arabic Broadcasts (Preliminary Report)
Philippines, ColombiaMulti-Region1975-06-05R353Audience Reaction to the IMV Film: "Aspen"
Philippines, Venezuela, Italy, UKMulti-Region1978-09-07R383Readership and Audience Reactions to Horizons USA and Review of its Content
UK, France, Italy, West Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Greece, IndiaMulti-Region1958-06-01R713Public Reactions to the US Recession in Major World Opinion Centers- Special Report
UK, France, West Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Greece, India, Japan, Mexico, Multi-Region1957-10-29R712Public Reactions to Little Rock in Major World Capitals
UK, France, West Germany, Italy  Multi-Region1960-04-21R394US and Soviet Science and Technology in Foreign Public Opinion
UK, France, West Germany, Italy, India, Japan, USAMulti-Region1958-07-01R450Opinions of Parliamentarians: A Compilation of Survey Results in Seven Countries
UK, France, West Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Japan, Canada, Multi-Region1981-08-01R467Attitudes toward the US and USSR 
UK, France, West Germany, Norway, Spain, India, Greece, South Africa, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, ChileMulti-Region1961-01-01R715Worldwide Reactions to the Election of President Kennedy: A Flash Survey in Major World Opinion Centers 
UK, Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Greece, India, Uruguay, CanadaMulti-Region1959-08-31R714Flash Survey of Reactions in Major World Opinion Centers to Forthcoming Eisenhower-Khrushchev Visits
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, El Salvador, NicaraguaMulti-Region1964-05-01R537The Semantics of Socialism and Capitalism
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Mexico, Japan, India, Turkey, NigeriaMulti-Region1961-10-01R560Some Indications of the Image of US Education Abroad
UK, West Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Japan, Mexico City, VenezuelaMulti-Region1958-07-01R647The Credibility of What America Says Abroad and Receptivity to US Information Efforts
USA, Germany, UK, FranceMulti-Region1958-04-24R463A Survey of the Opinions of Parlimentarians in Four NATO Countries
WorldwideMulti-Region1957R099The Effects of an Orientation Program for Foreign Students: Tables to Accompany Report No 6- Beliefs about Americans and the United States
WorldwideMulti-Region1958-11-01R650A Brief Overview of Recent Survey Findings on the Economic Image of America Abroad
Worldwide (15 countries; includes Western Europe, Latin America, Near East, Far East)Multi-Region1963-07-01R651Some Indications of Worldwide Public Opinion toward the US and the USSR
Worldwide (15 countries; includes Western Europe, Latin America, Near East, Far East)Multi-RegionNo DateR652Some Worldwide Attitudes toward Disarmament  and Nuclear Issues
Worldwide (16 countries)Multi-Region1963-09-01R716Worldwide Public Reaction to the Cuban Crisis
Worldwide (17 countries)Multi-Region1961-07-01R555The Impact of Hollywood Films Abroad
Worldwide (18 countries)Multi-Region1961-08-01R599Mail Survey of Listeners to Music USA
Worldwide (24 countries)Multi-Region1962-03-01R571A Study of Three VOA Programs
Worldwide (26 countries)Multi-Region1960-05-01R587Brief Resume of Survey Findings on Attitudes toward US Foreign Aid
Worldwide (34 countries representing major areas of the world where World Wide English programs are heard)Multi-Region1961-06-01R553Mail Survey of Listeners to the Voice of America World Wide English Service
Worldwide (76 USIS posts)Multi-Region1975-03-05R347Worldwide Placement of IMV TV Series
Worldwide (includes Europe, Latin America, Near East, Africa, South Asia, East Asia)Multi-Region1954-11-01R271Foreign Leaders' Reactions to the United States: An Interview Study
Worldwide (includes Western Europe, Arab States, Greece/Turkey/Iran, South Asia, Africa, Southeast Asia, Japan, Latin America)Multi-Region1960-08-29R396Free World Views of the US-USSR Power Balance
Worldwide (over 80 USIS posts)Multi-Region1978-10-03R386Trends in Film/VTR Usage by Posts,1976/77