September 11, 2001 surveys from days following the attack

These polls, taken in the days immediately following the September 11th attacks, reveal the public’s personal reactions to the events, their fears about the future, and their views about what actions government should take in response. The datasets and codebooks for these valuable studies are made available free of charge as a service to our users.

Date Published: January 16, 2015


NBC News Terrorism Poll
DateSeptember 12, 2001
Topline ResultsAdobe pdf document 12KB
CodebookAdobe pdf document 102KB
DataPlease register here to download the data.
NBC News & The Wall Street Journal New York City/Pentagon Terrorist Attacks
DateSeptember 15-16, 2001
Topline ResultsAdobe pdf document 28KB
CodebookAdobe pdf document 117KB
DataPlease register here to download the data.