2016 National Election Day Polls Available

January 16, 2020

The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research and Edison Research are proud to announce that the 2016 and 2018 National Election Pool (NEP) primary and election day exit polls are now available through the Roper archive here. As a demonstration of their commitment to the highest levels of transparency in survey research, Edison has made these and all earlier exit polls available to Roper members for immediate download. No additional application will be required.

The Edison exit polls are an essential resource for understanding voter behavior in the United States. These polls, which are based on responses from over 100,000 voters are the only probability-based exit polls in the U.S. In-person interviews are conducted both on election day and at early voting locations, and early and absentee voters are reached through telephone polls.

The Roper Center’s collection holds all U.S. major media exit polls dating back to the first in 1972, spearheaded by innovator Warren Mitofsky, as well as thousands of datasets from major pre- and post-election polls in the U.S.



2016 NEP primary polls

2016 NEP election day polls

2018 NEP election day polls

Other election resources at Roper Center