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Subgroup Analysis in Polls of Black Americans

Subgroup analysis by age, education, sex, or other demographics may be possible in a moderately sized Black American sample of a few hundred. More granular analysis by multiple demographics - such as older Black women or Black men with college educations - requires substantially larger samples.

example demographic chart with a sample of 504
Table 1: A demographic chart by education from a 1988 Newsweek poll with a sample of 504 Black Americans.
Chart 1: A demographic chart
Table 2: Another chart by age from the 1988 Newsweek poll with a sample of 504 Black Americans.
example chart of data 3
Table 3: An example chart by age from the 1989 USA Today poll with a sample of 601 Black Americans.
sample chart 4
Table 4: Another example chart by education from a USA Today poll, this one from 1990 with a sample size of 402 Black Americans who had heard about Clarence Thomas' Supreme Court Nomination..
example chart #5
Table 5: Another example chart by gender from the 1989 USA Today poll.