Latin American Data Bank

The Latin American Databank provides a portal for Latin American datasets acquired, processed and archived by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. This valuable collection includes data from public opinion surveys conducted by the survey research community in Latin America and the Caribbean, including universities, institutes, individual scholars, private polling and public opinion research firms.


The commitment of the Roper Center to its Latin American collection includes an ongoing effort to acquire new studies and the continuous maintenance of this collection.

Click on a country to find its available polls of places and people with deep cultural and political ties to the region, including polls of Spain, Portugal, Puerto Rico, and Latino populations in the U.S.

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Latin American Countries / Territories


Dataset Info Studies available: 140 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Conflicts: Gulf War, Malvinas conflict, military coup, nuclear war, strikes and terrorism Economics: business, crisis, debt, economic situation, employment, inflation, investment, privatization, reforms, savings and taxes Elections: campaigns, candidates, electoral system, interest in elections, mandatory vote, political parties, presidential elections, primary elections, referendum, state elections and voting intentions


Dataset Info Studies available: 11 Type of sample:  national adults and adults from urban areas Dataset Topic Highlights Conflicts: armed conflicts in Nicaragua and El Salvador Drug traffic: extradition of drug traffickers, legalization of drugs and illegal drug usage Economics: debt and privatization Foreign affairs: aid, communism, debt and relations with other countries Government: land reform and tax reform


Dataset Info Studies available: 542 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special samples Dataset Topic Highlights Communication and media habits Conflicts: Gulf War, Vietnam War Drug traffic: illegal drug usage and legalization of drugs Economics: business, crisis, Cruzado economic plan, debt, devaluation, economic growth, economic situation, inflation, investment, privatization, reforms, savings and taxes Elections: candidates, plebiscites, political parties, presidential elections, state elections and voting intentions


Dataset Info Studies available: 1 Type of sample: The sample included adult residents of Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Curacao, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, US Virgin Islands and St. Vincent. Dataset Topic Highlights Foreign affairs: opinions of other countries (e.g. France, U.S., Russia, Canada, Venezuela, etc.)


Dataset Info Studies available: 151 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Economic conditions: crisis, development, economic situation, employment, inflation, investment and privatization Elections: candidates, political parties, presidential elections, referendum, state elections, voting intentions and voting registration Family: family structure Foreign affairs: communism and trade Crime: crime, justice system


Dataset Info Studies available: 36 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Drug traffic: illegal drug usage Economics: business, debt, economic policies, economic situation, investment and unemployment Elections: candidates, political parties and voting intentions Family: family planning Government: direction of the country, government approval, government performance, institutions, the military, president, reforms and state of the nation

Costa Rica

Dataset Info Studies available: 29 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Conflicts: conflicts in Nicaragua and El Salvador and World War II Corruption: illegal drug usage Economic conditions: economic situation, investment and evaluation of the economy Elections: candidates, voting intentions and political parties Family: abortion, family planning and marriage Foreign affairs: diplomatic relations, foreign investment, and relations with other countries

Dominican Republic

Dataset Info Studies available: 8 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Conflicts: armed conflicts in El Salvador and Nicaragua and Grenada’s island conflict Economic conditions: economic situation, Caribbean Basin Initiative Elections: candidates and presidential elections Foreign affairs: communism and alliances with other countries Government: most important problem in the country


Dataset Info Studies available: 13 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Conflicts: armed conflict in El Salvador Drug traffic: illegal drug usage Economic conditions: economic situation, land reform and aid Family: family planning Foreign affairs: relations with other countries Government: democracy, government performance, most important problem in the country and military government

El Salvador

Dataset Info Studies available: 30 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Conflicts: armed conflict in El Salvador Drug traffic: illegal drug usage Economic conditions: economic situation, land reform and aid Family: family planning Foreign affairs: relations with other countries Government: democracy, government performance, most important problem in the country and military government


Dataset Info Studies available: 27 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Economic conditions: economic situation, aid and employment Elections: voting intentions and interest in politics Family: family planning Foreign affairs: relations with other countries Government: political system, democracy, government performance, institution performance


Dataset Info Studies available: 6 Type of sample: adults from national samples Dataset Topic Highlights Economic conditions: economic reform, economic situation, privatization and economic performance Elections: voting intentions, voting registration Government: democracy, government performance, most important problem facing the country, police and president Political culture: interest in politics


Dataset Info Studies available: 27 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Conflict: armed conflict in El Salvador and Nicaragua Economic conditions: economic situation, economic system and inflation Elections: presidential election, voting intentions, voting registration and candidates Government: democracy, most important problem, performance, political system and president


Dataset Info Studies available: 366 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Conflicts: armed conflicts in Nicaragua and El Salvador, Gulf War, nuclear attack and political violence Corruption: bribery Drug traffic: illegal drug usage and legalization Economics: business, crisis, decentralization, debt, devaluation, employment, growth, inflation, policies, privatization, reforms, savings and investment


Dataset Info Studies available: 31 Type of sample: adults from national samples Dataset Topic Highlights Economics: economic conditions and financial sector Elections: electoral fraud, political parties, runoff elections, state elections, trust in elections, voting intentions and voting registration Government: Congress, National Assembly, the military and president iPoll Questions American attitudes regarding issues related to Nicaragua


Dataset Info Studies available: 23 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Conflicts: armed conflicts in Nicaragua and El Salvador Economics: economic conditions, investment and privatization Foreign affairs: relations with other countries Government: democracy, military bases, most important problem in the country, Panama Canal, presidential approval and trust in institutions Elections: presidential election, reelection and voting intentions


Dataset Info Studies available: 93 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Conflicts: terrorism, Colombian civil conflict Economics: crisis, debt, economic situation and privatization Elections: candidates, congressional elections, electoral process, presidential election, voting intentions and political parties Family: abortion, family planning and marriage Foreign affairs: relations with other countries

Puerto Rico

Dataset Info Studies available: 2 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Elections: democratic primaries, voting intentions in primary elections, voting registration and candidates


Dataset Info Studies available: 236 Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sample Dataset Topic Highlights Bogliaccini/Queirolo data recovery from CIFRA and Opción Consultores 1993-2015 Foreign affairs: relations with other countries Conflicts: strikes, mobilizations and protests


Dataset InfoStudies available: 137Type of sample: adults from national, state, city or special sampleDataset Topic HighlightsConflicts: armed conflicts in Nicaragua and El Salvador, protests, military coup, Guyana conflictsForeign affairs: communism and relations with other countriesCorruption: ex-presidential trialEconomics: business, crisis, debt, employment, inflation, reforms, policies, privatization and unemploymentElections: candidates, campaigns, electoral institution, electoral reforms, fraud, interest in elections