Did you know the first iPoll question about the 2016 election appeared in 2013? It's been a long road. Now that election day is in the past, a look back over the 2016 race as seen through the lens of Roper Center's historical polling data: Vote Fraud / Curbed Enthusiasm: Voting in 2016 / None of the Above: Polling and Third Party Candidates / Candidates and Tax Returns / Conventional Wisdom: Delegates, Conventions, and Nominations / Two Thumbs Down: 2016 Presidential Candidates' Favorability / Madame President: Public Attitudes / Podiums, Platforms, and Polls: Public Opinion on the Election Debates / Never Back Down from a Fight. A Debate Is Another Story. Want more? There are almost 3,000 questions in iPoll about the 2016 election from 2015 to today. New datasets from election polls are added regularly.
2016 Election Recap
November 23, 2016