Issue Brief
When Perception is Reality: Public Opinion on Biden’s Handling of the Economy
“Inflation Soared in June, Pinching Consumers and Challenging Policymakers,” read a New York Times headline about the June 2022 inflation report.The report revealed an annual inflation rate of 9.1 percent, the highest level since the intense period of economic crisis in the 1970s and early 1980s. One of the policymakers faced with the enormous challenge of dealing with the inflation problem was President Biden. Biden’s approval rating on the economy hit its lowest level in June 2022. In a poll conducted by the Associated Press and NORC that month, only 28 percent of respondents approved of Biden’s handling of the economy while 69 percent disapproved.
If I Were a Rich Man: Public Attitudes About Wealth and Taxes
In his State of the Union address President Obama called for tax increases for the wealthiest Americans. Does the public support such a tax increase, and how do their attitudes fit into larger perceptions about wealth?
The Microfoundations of (Non-)Redistribution in Colombia
Why do some democracies remain so highly unequal? Existing political science literature equips us with surprisingly little theoretical tools to understand, much less answer, this incredibly important question. Existing foundational theories suggest that given a certain period of time, democracies should eventually redistribute income or wealth and become more egalitarian. Yet, there are a substantial number of countries that have experienced democratic rule for decades and remain virtually as unequal as they did before they democratized. Furthermore, current global trends suggest, generally speaking, inequality is on the rise in many democracies throughout the world.

In the Balance: The Public, the Budget and the Deficit
Recent news on the federal budget deficit has been unusually positive: the deficit is shrinking.
Related Data

UBS Index of Investor Optimism, 1996-2007
The Roper Center archives the entire collection of the UBS Index of Investor Optimism studies. A joint effort of UBS and the Gallup Organization, the UBS Index of Investor Optimism is the only ongoing survey of investor outlook in the United States and Europe. Introduced in 1996 as a quarterly survey, which became monthly in 1999, the Index profiles individual investors to ensure that their attitudes, perceptions and concerns are represented in the national dialogue. Through the Roper Center, the UBS Index of Investor Optimism - U.S. and Index - EU 5 data are available to researchers in several customized formats. For the U.S.
ABC News/Washington Post Poll Update
Six ABC News/Washington Post polls conducted from May, 2014-January, 2015 are now available for download.
2014 Siena Research Institute Data Available
Eleven new 2014 Siena Research Institute studies are now available. Siena Research Institute at Siena College conducts regional, statewide and national surveys on business, economic, political, voter, social, academic and historical issues.
2001 Poverty in America Poll
The 2001 Poverty in America poll was conducted by ICR for the National Public Radio, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Kennedy School of Government.